Timeline Filters

Timeline Filters Overview

An entity's timeline is the source of truth for any related updates or actions made to that entity. There are multiple ways to filter within a Timeline allowing us to be specific and organized in how we view this information.

Timeline Filter Types

Objects Filter: Filter by related objects, i.e., contacts, companies, etc.


Timelines Filter: Filter by different actions in categories, ie., Activity Logged, Automation Canceled, etc. 


Date Filter: Filter by custom date range or from the ‘Quick Selection’ sidebar.


Team Member / Role Filter: Filter by team members. This will show actions made by and mentions of the selected member.




      Stack different filters (i.e., Objects Filter + Date Filter) to narrow down your search.       


      Expand your search by selecting more than one i.e., team member from the dropdown.       


      The Object Filter is sticky - when it is applied, it will remain on your record’s Timeline until removed.       
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