My Toolbar Templates

My Toolbar allows you to create your own custom toolbar or use one of the available templates. 

Add your most used pages in Kizen to the top toolbar in your account to easily access them. 

In this article there are steps to:

  • Create your own tool bar and share with other team members in Kizen
  • View Toolbar Templates created by other team members and Request Access
  • Use a Toolbar Template created by another team member in Kizen

Create and Share a Toolbar Template

  1. Click on your initials or profile avatar in the top right corner.
  2. Select My Profile.2022-10-20_15-48-04.jpg
  3. Click on My Toolbar.2022-10-20_15-58-34.jpg
  4. Navigate to Your Toolbar to customize it. See the article on how to edit the toolbar here
  5. Click Save New Template to save your toolbar settings as a new template.2022-10-21_14-07-54.jpg
  6. Create your Template Name.
  7. Set Sharing Settings:
    1. for All Team Members
    2. by Specific Role 
    3. by Specific Team Member
  8. Click Save.2022-10-21_14-10-55.jpg

View Toolbar Templates and Request Access

  1. Click on your initials or profile avatar in the top right corner.
  2. Select My Profile.2022-10-20_15-48-04.jpg
  3. Click on My Toolbar.2022-10-20_15-58-34.jpg
  4. Click on Toolbar Templates.2022-10-21_13-48-48.jpg
  5. Click on ... .
  6. Click on Request Access.2022-10-21_13-57-48.jpg

Use a Toolbar Template

      1. Click on your initials or profile avatar in the top right corner.
      2. Select My Profile.2022-10-20_15-48-04.jpg
      3. Click on My Toolbar.2022-10-20_15-58-34.jpg
      4. Click on Choose Template.2022-10-21_13-21-40.jpg
      5. Select a template from the dropdown menu.2022-10-21_13-25-53.jpg


        Select Default Template to restore default toolbar settings.


      6. Click Apply.2022-10-21_13-46-42.jpg


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