Automations allow you to automate and personalize your customer's journey. Automations can be used to follow up with leads, remind customers of other purchase opportunities, remind team members to contact a lead, and even send a customer a happy birthday message!
Automations consist of Triggers, Actions, Conditions, and Delays.
Edit an Automation
- Click Automations from the top menu bar.
- Search for the Automation you would like to edit.
- Click on the Automation Name.
- Make the necessary changes
- Follow the steps to edit the existing step
- Follow the steps to reorder existing steps
- Follow the steps to delete the existing step
- Follow the steps to add a new automation step
- Click Save, once the changes are complete.
Adding a step to an Automation only applies to future contacts on that Automation, except in these scenarios:
Contacts currently on a delay step will start the new steps if the new step is placed after the delay
Contacts currently waiting on a goal step will start new steps if the new step is placed after the goal
Edit an Existing Automation Step
- Click the ... next to the step you would like to edit
- Click Edit.
- Make the necessary changes.
- Click Save.
Add an Automation Step to an Existing Automation
- Add an Automation Step by clicking the "+" or clicking and dragging Actions, Conditions, Delays, and/or Goals.
Reorder Existing Automation Steps
- Hover over the left-hand side on the step you would like to move.
- Select the reorder icon.
- Drag and drop the step to the new location in the automation.
Delete an Existing Automation Step
- Click the ... next to the step you would like to edit
- Click Delete.