Automation Steps: Goals

Goals Overview

Goals are similar to Triggers. With goals, your Automation will wait until something happens and won't continue down the path immediately, like when using a Condition.

The record will be assessed as Goal Met or Goal Not Met, when they reach the Goal Step in your Automation. When reaching the Goal Step, the automation will only go down one path. You can always setup a second Goal if multiple need to be met. 

Types of Goals

There are various goal types that can be selected in the Goal Step. 


Activity Logged - When a particular activity is logged (or not logged) the automation will continue. 

  1. Choose Activity
  2. Proceed Down "Not Met" Path After
  3. Save




A common example of using activity logged goal steps is a sales team member logging a Call Activity,  If they don't log a call activity with a prospect within a certain timeframe, the sales team member (or their manager) can be notified.


Field Updated - When a particular field is updated the automation will continue. 

You can choose between First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Company, or any of the custom fields created in your account. 

  1. Choose Field
  2. Proceed Down "Not Met" Path After
  3. Save


Tag Added/Removed - When a particular tag is added or removed from a record the automation will continue. 

  1. Select Tag Added or Tag Removed
  2. Choose Tag
  3. Proceed Down the "Not Met" Path After
  4. Save



Form Submitted - When a particular form is submitted the automation will continue. 

  1. Choose Form
  2. Proceed Down "Not Met" Path After
  3. Save


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