Automations allow you to automate and personalize your customer's journey. Automations can be used to follow up with leads, remind customers of other purchase opportunities, remind team members to contact a lead, and even send a customer a happy birthday message!
Automations consist of Triggers, Actions, Conditions, Goals, and Delays.
Add an Automation
- Click Automations from top menu bar.
- Click New Automation.
- Enter the Automation Name.
- Choose Automation Object.
- Click Save.
- In the Trigger step, select Click to set automation trigger.
- Choose the Trigger you would like to pair with the automation.
- Complete the Trigger Settings (the available options will differ based on the trigger you have chosen).
- Click Save.
- Build out your Automation by clicking the "+" or clicking and dragging Actions, Conditions, Delays, Goals.
- When the automation is complete, click Save.
- When you are ready for your automation to run, update the Active? Toggle
- Note: Until you activate your automation, it will be saved, but will not run