When creating an automation, External HTTP Requests are used to complete actions that are not already built in Kizen.
External HTTP Requests can also be used to send data to other systems with open APIs.
External HTTP Overview
To perform an action, you must first select one of the four Custom HTTP Actions there are to choose from.
- Put: Used to change an entire record
- Post: Used to create a record
- Patch: Used to partially update a record
- Delete: Used to delete a record
Example: A Patch request is used to update which stage an opportunity is in within a specified pipeline.
The Request URL is telling the API where you want the change to happen. The Request URL can be found in:
- The Kizen API Documentation.
- Developer Tools
- Other Automations in Kizen
Kizen's Base URL will always be https://app.go.kizen.com/api. You will then need to add additional details such as the type of object being updated, the object id, what is being updated in that object, and the record id.
- Example: Type of object
- /pipelines can be used after to edit data in a custom object
- /clients can be used after to edit data in a contact
- Tip: If you need multiple records within an object to be updated using the same request, be sure to use merge fields.
- Putting it together: https://app.go.kizen.com/api/pipelines/b1f9a165-0351-4fb2-b710-18c94d93e24e/entity-records/{{ custom_objects.id }}
The Developer Tools are a toolkit built into your web browser that allows you to see the API calls that are occurring between a website and a database and gather data. We will use the Network tab for HTTP Requests.
To open Developer Tools in Google Chrome:
- Click View in the browser menu
- Scroll down to the Developer menu
- Click Developer Tools
- Select Network at the top menu bar
- On the Headers tab, find the correct request (Hint: Put, Post, Patch, Delete)
- Once you've found the correct request, switch to the Payload tab
- Select View Source
- Copy the payload value and paste into Data Payload in the Edit Action section
Within Developer Tools you can find the Data Payload. This is the action that is being requested within Kizen.
- Example: {"stage_id":"bd6dc78d-368c-4a59-8a0a-9d92b42d0b26","record_ids":["eab61153-b43d-4040-843d-53c9580b6f5d"],"index":0}
Headers are used to authenticate the data changes you are requesting through an API Key, User ID, Business ID, and application type. The Header Values can be found in your Profile Information.
- API Key is the verification
- You will only need to create this once.
- User ID identifies who on the account is requesting the change
- Business ID identifies the account requesting the change
- Content Type is the data format type
- Ex: application/json
To create a HTTP Request:
- Add an Action step
- Select External HTTP Requests as the action
- Select the Custom HTTP Action
- 4. Enter the Request URL (Hint: Kizen's Base URL is https://app.go.kizen.com/api)
- Find the Data Payload (be sure to use the source view)
- Under Customize Header (Parameters and Values), click Add Parameter
- Enter Parameter "x-api-key"
- Click Add Parameter
- Enter "x-business-id"
- Click Add Parameter
- Enter "x-user-id"
- Click Add Parameter
- Enter "content-type"
- In a new tab, open Kizen
- Click the dropdown next to your profile icon
- Select My Profile
- If you have previously generated an API key, click the 3 dots under the Actions column
- Select View API Key
- If you have not previously generated an API Key, click + Add API Key
- Copy the API Key, Business ID, and User ID into the corresponding parameter value
- Enter application/json for "content-type"
- Click Save