Use the Automation Action: Go To Step to jump to a different place in the automation. This is a powerful tool allowing you to save time without re-building same steps multiple times and can be also used to create loops for repeating parts of the process.
You can direct the Go To Step to any type of the automation element including: Actions, Conditions, Goals, Delays, and Triggers.
Add Action: Go To Step
- To add Action: Drag and Drop Action element or click on +
- Click on Go To Automation Step
- Select which step to go to
- Click Save
Available steps are grouped by type: Actions, Conditions, Goals, Delays, and Triggers
Prevent Infinite Loops
Creating loops can help automate parts of the process until the required outcome is achieved. However, there is a risk of creating a runaway automation when the steps will keep repeating infinitely. For such scenarios Kizen has a built-in process to prevent this from happening.
When trying to add a Go To Step action that suggests an infinite loop, you will receive an error and will not be able to save an automation until Go To Step is adjusted.
Best practice is to add a Delay or Goal step between the action you want to go to and the Go to Step
Example of an Infinite Loop
- Add a Go to Step Action
- Click on Save
- Receive an Error that Automation may infinitely loop
Solution Example to Infinite Loop
- Add a Goal step between the Go To Step action and the step you are going to