Dashlets: Number of Activity Submissions


The Number of Activity Submissions dashlet allows you to how many times an activity has been submitted within the selected timeframe. 


Adding the Number of Activity Submissions Dashley

  1. From your Dashboard, select Add Dashlet


  1. Select Activities
  2. Choose the Report Type: Number of Activity Submissions
  3. Choose the Activity you would like to view
  4. Select how to view the dashlet
    1. Summary - Count of Submissions during the selected timeframe
    2. Trend - Shows activity submissions 
      1. For Trend: Select the data point frequency - daily, weekly or monthly
  5. Optional: Name your Dashlet
  6. Click Add


Reading the Number of Activity Submissions Dashlet

  • Daily: shows all submissions up until 11:59:59PM at the end of each day if Daily
  • Weekly: shows all submissions up until Sunday at 11:59:59PM
  • Monthly: shows all submissions up until the last day of the month at 11:59:59PM
  • If the selected timeframe is >100 days, the chart will automatically display in Weeks
  • If the selected timeframe is >2 years, the chart will automatically display in Weeks




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