Dashboard: Edit Dashboards

Change Dashboard name, rearrange order, or adjust Dashboard sharing settings. 

Edit a Dashboard

  1. Click on Dashboard.
  2. Click on Dashboard name or down arrow. 
  3. Click on Edit Dashboards.
  4. OR click on Settings icon to enter Dashboard editing. 2022-10-21_14-33-31.jpg
  5. Drag & drop by clicking on the 6 dots to rearrange Dashboards order.
  6. Click on the Edit icon under Sharing Settings to edit Dashboard access.
  7. Click on ... .
  8. Click on Edit.2022-10-21_15-02-45.jpg
  9. Edit Dashboard Name.
  10. Edit Sharing Settings:
    1. for All Team Members
    2. by Specific Role 
    3. by Specific Team Member
  11. Click Save2022-10-21_14-38-49.jpg
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