When emails are sent to or from contacts in your Kizen account, the emails will display on the Timeline.
First, you will need administrator access to your GSuite admin panel, located at Admin.Google.com. If you do not have such authorization, please have your administrator do the following tasks.
Once the GSuite Admin Setup is complete, individual users can set up their Email Sync with Kizen.
GSuite Admin Setup
In a separate tab, visit https://admin.google.com and sign in to your administrator account.
- Once you are in your admin panel, you should click on the top-left menu selector, then go to Security
- Open the Settings section
- Go to API Permissions
- Select Trusted Apps
- From the Trusted Apps dashboard, click on the yellow +, at the bottom right, to add Kizen as a trusted app
- Select Web Application from the drop-down menu
- Add Kizen's Google Client ID exactly as shown: 239019214601-7n1aau6sl843et4esno852sgpgtbrt71.apps.googleusercontent.com
- Click Add
- You should now see Kizen Technologies listed as one of your trusted apps
Sync Your Gmail Inbox in Kizen
In your Kizen account, complete the steps below to sync your Gmail Inbox with Kizen.
- Select your initials or photo, in the top right-hand corner of the top menu bar
- Select My Profile
- In the Email Integrations section, select Add Integrated Email
- Choose Gmail as Provider
- Click Sign in with Google
- Click on your email
- Click Allow
- Once connected, the email address will show in the Email Integration section