Custom Objects: Sales Custom Fields

In order to add Custom Fields you must setup a Sales Custom Object first. For more information on creating Standard Custom Objects and Workflow/Pipeline Custom Objects please review the associated articles.

Add a Custom Field

  1. Click Settings from the top menu bar
  2. Click Customize Fieldsmceclip0.png
  3. Click Custom Objects
  4. Use the dropdown to navigate to the Sales Custom Object you would like to relate the Custom Field tomceclip1.png
  5. Find the appropriate category, click Add New Fieldmceclip2.png
  6. Enter the Field Name 
  7. Choose the Field Type - Based on the chosen field type, additional settings may need to be configured in the pop-up
  8. Click Savemceclip3.png

Edit Custom Field

  1. Click Settings from the top menu bar 
  2. Click Customize Fieldsmceclip0.png
  3. Click Custom Object 
  4. Use the dropdown to navigate to the Sales Custom Object you would like to edit mceclip1.png
  5. Click on the … Custom Field
  6. Click Edit Optionsmceclip4.png
  7. Make the necessary changes
  8. Click Savemceclip5.png

Delete Custom Field

  1. Click Settings from the top menu bar 
  2. Click Customize Fieldsmceclip0.png
  3. Click Custom Object
  4. Use the dropdown to navigate to the Sales Custom Object you would like to edit mceclip1.png
  5. Click on the … Custom Field
  6. Click Deletemceclip6.png
  7. Confirm Delete - this will permanently delete the Custom Field. Please ensure this custom field is not included on any forms, surveys, automations, or other tools in Kizen prior to deleting it


Hide a Custom Field

  1. Click Settings from the top menu bar 
  2. Click Customize Fields
  3. Click Custom Object 
  4. Use the dropdown to navigate to the Sales Custom Object you would like to edit 
  5. Click on the … Custom Field
  6. Click Hidemceclip7.png

Reorder Custom Fields 

  1. Click Settings from the top menu bar 
  2. Click Customize Fields
  3. Click Custom Object 
  4. Use the dropdown to navigate to the Sales Custom Object you would like to edit 
  5. Select the recorder iconmceclip8.png
  6. Drag and drop the Custom Field to the new location in the Category


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