Complete an Activity

Completing an activity should be done during the task or once the task has been completed. 

Activities can be completed through the below methods:

  • Complete an Activity from the Activity Dashboard.
  • Complete an Activity from a Contact Record.

Complete an Activity from the Activity Dashboard

  1. Select Dashboard from the top menu bar. 
  2. Locate the Scheduled Activities dashlet. 
  3. Find the activity you would like to complete.
  4. Click the ... and select Complete.


  1. Complete the required activity fields.
  2. Click Complete. 


Complete an Activity from a Contact Record

  1. Select Data from the top menu bar.
  2. Click Contacts.
  3. Search for the contact.
  4. Click on the Contact Name. 


  1. From the action block, select Log Activity. 
  2. Select the activity you would like to complete.


  1. Complete the required fields for the activity. 
  2. Click Complete. 



Complete an Activity from a Deal Record

  1. Select Data from the top menu bar.
  2. Click Custom Objects.
  3. Click on the Sales Pipeline. 2022-12-02_16-31-48.jpg
  4. Click on a Deal.2022-12-02_16-37-10.jpg
  5. From the action block, select Log Activity. 
  6. Select the activity you would like to complete.2022-12-02_16-39-04.jpg
  7. Complete the required fields for the activity. 
  8. Click Complete. 2022-12-02_16-41-35.jpg





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