Edit a Form

You can use Kizen forms to capture leads or collect customer data. Forms can be embedded directly on your website, hosted on Kizen, or on your own custom domain.

Here is how you can add marketing forms

Edit a Form

  1. Select Platform from the top menu bar
  2. Click Forms
  3. Search for the form you would like to edit
  4. Click the "..." in the Actions column
  5. Click Edit


  1. Edit the Form Settings. 
    • Update the Submission Action
      • Go To Thank You Page: Once the form is submitted, send the contact to a Thank You Page.
        • Recommended to be used for forms sent via email or text to contacts. 
      • Go To URL: Once the form is submitted, send the contact to another URL.
        • Recommended to be used for forms hosted on your website. 
  2. Edit the Form Notifications. 
    • Select which users should be notified when a form is submitted and which method(s) should be used for notification.

  3. Click Build on the menu bar to make changes to the form fields. 


  1. Edit your form using the Kizen Builder. 
    • Custom Fields can be added or editing within the Settings section of your account. Responses to these fields will be tracked on the Contact, Company, or Custom Object Record.
    • Form Fields can be added within the Kizen Builder. Responses to these fields will be tracked within the form and on the Contact, Company, or Custom Object timeline.
  2. Once edits are complete, click Save. 


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